Laxmi Saccos is affiliated to different organizations at district, regional & national level for coordinated effort in the cooperative movement.

1. Nepal Federation of Saving & Credit Cooperative Union ltd . (NEFSCUN)

2. Kabhrepalanchowk District Saving & Credit Cooperative Union ltd.

3. District Cooperative Union, Kavre

4. National Cooperative Bank


Total Share Capital: (NRs.28879100.00)

Total Institutional Capital: (NRs.15049188.23)

Total Saviing: (NRs.204669100.25)

Total Assets: (NRs.258240268.89)

Total Loan: (NRs.184593469.59)

Total No. of Members: 2979

Total No. of Employees: 14

Updated On: March 07, 2024