मिति २०८० माघ २१ गते श्रीपञ्चमीको दिन यस संस्थाले सामुहिक ब्रतबन्ध आयोजना गर्ने भएकोले ईच्छुक सदस्यहरुले आफुलाई पाएक पर्ने कार्यालमा गई बटुकको नाम रजिष्ट्रेशन गराउन नभुल्नुहोला ।
Laxmi Saccos is affiliated to different organizations at district, regional & national level for coordinated effort in the cooperative movement.
1. Nepal Federation of Saving & Credit Cooperative Union ltd . (NEFSCUN)
2. Kabhrepalanchowk District Saving & Credit Cooperative Union ltd.
3. District Cooperative Union, Kavre
4. National Cooperative Bank
Total Share Capital: (NRs.3,04,82400.00)
Total Institutional Capital: (NRs.1,61,62,314.51)
Total Saviing: (NRs.25,15,51,617.25)
Total Assets: (NRs.30,63,42,320.87)
Total Loan: (NRs.21,18,80,067.51)
Total No. of Members: 3292
Total No. of Employees: 14
Updated On: February 13, 2025